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Maya's origins are the Philippines and Switzerland.
She studied at the Professional Conservatory
Institut del Teatre Barcelona in Spain.
For the last fourteen years she has been dancing and
performing around Europe as a freelancer.
Now she is based in Thüringen, Germany.
Creating her own artistic work, collaborating with the
theaters of the region and regularly offering dance workshops
of body awareness and dance exploration,
a method that she is developing since 2020.

(c) Katharina Gutierrez
Residenz - Studio.Box Theater Erfurt


Part of the curatorials team for the Theater in Bewegung Festival in Theaterhaus Jena!

Looking forward to read your applications and welcome you at the festival


Reception Kulturstiftung des Freistaat Thüringen
for the Scholarship holders 2024

Honored and happy for receiving this grand !!
Project " Was wäre, wenn...? "
An interactive performance presented soon at the Erfurt

"La danse contemporaine permet à chacun de se projeter,
d'émettre des hypothèses sur telle ou telle proposition,
d'enrichir sa perception du monde"

"Contemporary dance allows us to project ourselves,
to hypothesize about a particular proposal,
to enrich our perception of the world"

~ Rosita Boisseau

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